Graphics: 10
A revelation. Each new spell and special attack blew
me away, and redefined the Saturn's graphical capabilities.
The reason Scenario I scores higher than Scenario II
in this regard is due to the fact that Scn. I completely
changed my expectations of RPGs with more innovative
effects and colour than I had ever imagined. Scenario
II improved on the graphics in some places but failed
to offer as many new sights as the first instalment.
Music: 9
A rousing symphonic score complements the game's action
perfectly, and each town theme encapsulates the atmosphere
to such an extent that the first few bars of each tune
is enough to send me revelling in fond memories like
that smoky old man in the corner of the pub.
Gameplay: 9
Shining Force III manages to enthrall and amaze at
every opportunity, surpassing previous games in the
series and firmly establishing the Shining battle system
as the very best battle system seen. Ever.
Lastability: 10
You'll keep replaying it just to revisit your favourite
characters and cut scenes, and if you have the other
two scenarios the lastability is enhanced still further,
Camelot's Synchronicity system providing unimaginable
replay value.
Overall: 10
A truly incredible game that simply must be played,
experienced - lived.